Project Examples
Will Brockenbrough has extensive experience in all phases of Historic American Building Survey, Historic American Engineering Record, and Historic American Landscape Survey (HABS/HAER/HALS) projects. His work experience includes large format photography (4x5 and 5x7), as well as medium format and digital photography, photo-copies of historic photographs and drawings, research using both primary and secondary sources, writing of historic narratives, compiling index to photographs, and measured drawings using AutoCAD. Examples of a few completed projects are presented below.
HAER Documentation of State Route 57 Bridge at Red Creek, Jackson County, Mississippi.
HAER Level II Documentation of the 1959 SR 57 bridge, known as the Daisy-Vestry Bridge, and is one of the last surviving examples in Mississippi of a two-lane K-truss bridge. It was also one of the last truss type bridges for small crossings in the state.
HAER Documentation of the Havre-Rainbow Transmission Line, Hill, Choteau, and Cascade Counties, Montana.
HAER Level II Documentation of the Havre-Rainbow 161-Kilovolt (kV) Transmission Line. The project crossed tribal land, federal land, state land, and private lands located in Hill, Chouteau, and Cascade counties in north-central Montana. Army Corps of Engineers constructed the transmission line to provide electrical power to the Great Falls Dam construction site and electric dredges. The Havre-Rainbow 161-Kilovolt Transmission Line is a contributing element of the Fort Peck Town Site and Dam Multiple Resource Property.
HABS Documentation of Turpentine and Rosin Factors, Inc. Warehouse and Office Building, Savannah, Chatham County, Georgia.
The Turpentine and Rosin Factors Inc. Office and Warehouse was one of the last remaining structures associated with the once vibrant naval stores industry in the southeast region. Located in downtown Savannah, the building was constructed in two phases; a 1921 one-story warehouse and a 1937 two-story office addition. The architect of the 1937 addition, Cletus Bergen, was a well-known and documented architect in the region. The HABS Level II documentation incudes large format photographs, an outline format history with sketch plan, and 8x10 photographic copies of the original drawings obtained through archival research.
HABS/HAER Documentation of Two Structures and Four Quarries at Granite Hill Plantation, Hancock County, Georgia.
Level II HABS Documentation of an antebellum provision house associated with Andrew Jackson Lane’s Granite Hill Plantation. Constructed Ca. 1850, the octagon-shaped provision house, constructed of granite block, is a rare example of plantation architecture. An associated granite silo was also documented as part of this project, and was possibly related to the Ca. 1906 10th District Agricultural and Mechanical School that was operated nearby. In addition, four later 19th century and early 20th century granite quarry pits associated with the Granite Hill Plantation were documented for the Historic American Engineering Record.
HABS Documentation of four structures at Fort Benning, Chattahoochee County, Georgia.
HABS Level I documentation of Building No. 296 which originally served as Non-Commissioned Officer’s quarters, including large-format photographs and CAD produced measured drawings. In addition, three garages associated with the Main Post Cantonment Historic District were documented.
HAER Documentation of Alexander’s Bridge, Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Military Park, Catoosa County, Georgia.
Alexander’s Bridge, constructed in 1897 and 1907, spans West Chickamauga Creek on the eastern boundary of the Civil War battlefield named after that tributary. The bridge was documented along with Gordon’s Slough Bridge (HAER No. GA-95-B) and the Connecting Roadway (HAER No. GA-95-C); all three were determined to be contributing features of the National Military Park’s NRHP listed historic district. The HAER Level I documentation incudes large format photographs, an outline format history with historic photographs and drawings obtained through archival research, as well as CAD produced measured drawings. At the request of the NMP, additional drawings and photographs were produced as HAER No. GA-95-A-C Addendum.